Febrile pancytopenia and psychosis revealing pernicious anemia.

Minerva Med. 2003 Jun;94(3):187-90.


Hematology Division, General Hospital, Annemasse, France. chiab@sante.hautesavoie.net


The rare case of a 42-year-old woman of African origin presenting with persecution mania leading to admission to a psychiatric hospital is reported. The outcome was rapidly marked by febrile pancytopenia and ataxia leading to the diagnosis of pernicious anemia. Although the hematologic abnormalities and mania were corrected within 2 weeks under vitamin therapy, neural improvement was slower as observed classically. The literature regarding pancytopenia and psychiatric presentations is briefly reviewed, suggesting that vitamin B(12) deficiency may induce paranoid delusion.

[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]


  1. B12 deficiency may defiantly induce paranoid delusions. I speak from experience from an episode last year. I am 40 years old with no history of mental illness, myself or in my family. My mental state has always been rock solid and I have always been happy and optimistic about life. Last year I donated blood in May and again the first week if Sept. Following a week after my first donation I slipped into a paranoid and psychotic state that left me unable to tell the difference between reality and my delusions. My delusions were so real I was paralyzed to understand my definition of reality was not real. I did not seek help because I r early didn’t know the difference. I had two peeks that both followed blood donation. My symptoms very closely matched those of a paranoid schizophrenia. The breaking point is when I realized my job was in jeopardy. A blood test with my primary care physician quickly found a dangerously low B12 which I started taking shots for. Within 6 weeks my sanity returned completely. It took me about 6 months after feeling normal to completely let go of all my delusions. I would liken it to a post traumatic stress. The mind is a power labyrinth scary as hell when it’s not working properly. I am a year away from this now eating healthy and taking vitamins every day and I feel great.

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